Halloween 2009

Nov 17

Halloween 2009
Originally uploaded by katiek2885
I am posting a Happy Halloween message a little late, but better late then never right? For Halloween I had a girls scrapbooking night complete with costumes, drinks and a brand new flatscreen television which my DH installed for me. During the night I worked on my heritage scrapbook and had a great time watching movies. We rented Barbarella with Jane Fonda, it was scarier then any Halloween movie I think we could have ever rented. I created this page using free scrapbooking elements from'Don't Be Afraid' by Mlle Heloise at http://digital-crea.fr/shop/. What do you think?

New Blog Layout

Nov 16

Hi Everyone, I found this great new site http://www.bloggertemplatesfree.com/notepadchaos/ and downloaded the template on the site. i hope you like the changes!

Altered Books

Jan 01

I have recently begun trying my hand at an altered book and have been searching other artists galleries for ideas and inspiration. Earlier this morning I found http://www.alteredbookartists.com this site is great! Gauranteed to give you a few hours of artistic enjoyment.

Inchie Display

Dec 29

I found an interesting site this evening with a very neat example of displayed inchies as well as an overview of inchies and tutorial. Drop by to take a look http://www.papercraftjunkies.com/content/2008/10/inchies-by-caro-stanton/.

Small World Of Inchies & Twinchies Christmas Challenge

Dec 29

If you have not been to Nancy's 'Small World of Inchies & Twinchies' site challenge site you should take the time to check it out. Each week she posts a new inchie/twinchie challenge and it is fun to look back at all the entries. I post the below entries for last week's Christmas challenge.

Ellen Hutson Inchie Supplies

Dec 28

Earlier I posted on the wonderful supplies my husband purchased from Ellen Hutson's site for me this Christmas. If you would like to purchase the same but are unsure of how to find the inchie supplies once you reach the site please use this link to pull all the inchie supplies on her site.

Have a great day!

Merry Inchie Christmas to Me!

Dec 28

For Christmas my husband bought me some wonderful stuff. In addition to my new Wii game and some favored alcohol I also received..... Inchie Supplies! I may have dropped a few hints but it was all him when he purchased me 4 boxes of illustration board and 4 bags of chipboard pre-cut 1x1 inchies along with inchie page protectors from Ellen Hutson's site. He also purchase several inchie collage sheets off of etsy from cachecache and a few other artists and inchie display holders! What a wonderful day. I also received some artsy gifts from my mother including a mosaic frame from DiVetroArtebyAreo (you can see parts of my frame in her shop header) and a beautiful soldered ornament from her own site Just Say it Charms.

I hope everyone else's Christmas was as wonderful and full of fun. (Goes back to art room to determine what to play with first).

Zetti Inchies

Dec 27

Zetti Inchies
Originally uploaded by cparmelee1
I found these beautiful inchies created by cparmelee1 on an inchie group I belong to on flikr. I think these are the coolest inchies I have seen yet!

Tips on Creating Inchies

Dec 26

I have recently become addicted to inchies! I find the format so easy to work with, and the gratification is almost instant. However, I know that a lot of folks find them hard to work with due to their small size so I have put together some tips.

1. Utilize tweezers to assist you with the smaller items.
2. If you find it hard to cut images so small try inking around the edges to help 'blur' mistakes.
3. Try creating backgrounds on a larger sheet before cutting it into 1" squares.
4. Coat background with gel medium to lay items on rather then applying the fixative to each individual piece.
5. A tip a fellow artist showed me during our monthly meeting it to print your words on 8.5 x 11 label sheets and then cut out to apply (very clever!).
6. Most of all have fun!


Dec 26

I went to my mother's house on the 23rd and spent the evening documenting most of my art to date with my sister. I then spent most of the remainder of the evening posting them to my gallery on www.atcsforall.com under KatieK2885. Stop by and take a look if you get a chance!